Monday, October 10, 2011

New website

The Garden of Grace has a new website:

This blog is being discontinued, and all activity will be posted on the website.


The Garden of Grace team

Thursday, August 11, 2011

2011 August 9-10 harvests and work

On Tuesday, 2011 August 9, Bruce, Judy, and Lance (alphabetical)
harvested 21 medium-size red tomatoes, 1-2 quarts of tiny tomatoes
("sungold" cherry tomatoes and "yellow pear" tomatoes), 15 cucumbers,
15 summer squash, less than a tub of kale, and 22 onions.

We performed an enlightening "taste test" with summer squash.
Four squash were tasted by the three gardeners present and some kitchen
workers: a 3.25 pound squash suspected to be a "Costata Romanesco"
from another garden, and these three from our garden: a Raven
zucchini considerably larger than the suspected Costata, a
warty yellow-crookneck-appearing squash grown from a seed packet
with label "Golden Hubbard" which has been a strange plant, and
a rather large green pattypan squash.  All seemed tasty to me.
I think several people liked the "Costata" the best, I think I
liked the "hubbard" best, and I lost track of some people's
favorites.  The reader who suspects that we don't actually know
what three of the tested squash were is correct.  (We got the
green pattypan from a friend who is vague on exactly which variety
it is; and we're unsure of the "hubbard" and "Costata".)

The most important result of the test is that kitchen staff now
know that, at least for Raven and the alleged Costata, big is
acceptable.  They have experienced many oversized undesirable
summer squashes and don't use them in the kitchen.  Without this
test, they would probably have discarded the Raven and Costata.

The big Raven had grown in less than a week.  We harvest on
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for the kitchen, so the squash
have 6 days from Wednesday to next Tuesday to grow, and we
deliver quite a few that are bigger than we would prefer.  What
is important about Raven is that it does not lose flavor or
texture, nor develop big seeds and hard skin, until it's larger
than what we've been growing.  Costata probably has this same
good attribute though to a lesser degree than Raven.  (Three pounds
may be bigger than we want Costata to get, assuming we grow it
in the future.)

One more taste-test remark: on July 19 a taste test putting a
suspected Costata (about 9 ounces) against a Raven (size probably
not recorded) resulted in a unanimous vote: Costata tasted better
than Raven.  For now, though, Raven seems to be the most valuable
summer squash grown in our garden.

Two more rows of carrots were seeded in bed A2, south of carrots
planted in A2 about three weeks ago.  The new carrots are Touchon
Deluxe and Royal Chantenay.  The carrots planted a few days
earlier in bed A4 are about equivalent to one full-length row,
so we have about 3 rows planted within the past few days.

Some Raven zucchini in bed B3 have suffered serious powdery mildew
for a few weeks.  The mildew has spread to most other squash in
that bed.  We sprayed with "Serenade", a biological fungicide
comprised of some bacteria commonly in the environment that are
presumed to be harmless.  We also trimmed the most-infected leaves
of many of the squash plants.

Other work included transplanting two donated basil plants into bed
E2, and weeding.

On Wednesday, 2011 August 10, Bruce and Lance harvested
and delivered to Open Heart Kitchen 26 summer squash (none from
the sprayed bed B3), 10 medium size red tomatoes, again 1-2
quarts of tiny tomatoes, about 3/4 tub of swiss chard leaves,
26 cucumbers, 155 sweet yellow banana peppers, two peppers
that were hot and similar in appearance to the sweet yellow peppers,
and a few quarts of basil greens.

Similar to last week, kitchen workers raved about the basil.  One
of them has been donating basil plants to the garden regularly.
That might be a hint.  They also thanked the garden for the tiny
sungold and yellow pear tomatoes.

Other work included watering newly seeded carrots and parsnips,
putting up cylindrical supports for some determinate tomatoes
in bed AB8, finding more bindweed in tomato beds (but not finding
time to get rid of them), and transplanting two more basil plants
and a thyme/oregano pot of plants.

Bed AB7 map

Bed B2 map

Bed A1 map

Saturday, August 6, 2011

2011 August 5-6 garden work

On the evening of Friday August 5, and in an impromptu session Saturday
morning, August 6, Bruce and Lance worked on various tasks.

The main effort on Friday was to plant carrots and parsnips in the
west end of bed B4.  We are attempting succession-planting with carrots,
planting every three weeks or so in order to have a more continuous
harvest.  The only crop previously grown here was radishes,
so the soil should be fertile.  This is the only area prepared
for carrots and similar crops (deeply double dug, rocks removed, clods
broken up) and not already used for carrots.  Five rows of seeds were
planted, one variety per row (except for the north row).  From south
to north: "New Kuroda" carrots in the southern row, "All American"
heirloom parsnips in the second row, "Babette" carrots in the third
row, "Gladiator" parsnips in the fourth row.  In the fifth (north)
row, "King Midas" carrots were planted starting at the west end
until we ran out of seed, then "Long Imperator" carrots finished the row.
The parsnips are in middle rows to reduce exposure, their greens can cause
irritating rashes.  This is the first time the garden has grown parsnips.

Most of the summer squash planted on July 16 looked unhealthy, so
they were given some compost tea.  More bindweed was pulled from
tomato beds.  This is difficult because many tomato vines are still
partly sprawled on the ground, making it hard to find and reach the
bindweed stems and roots.  Some of the weeded areas were given more
mulch, to make it harder for more weeds to sprout.

The first female butternut winter squash blossoms were observed Thursday,
August 4.  On Saturday, 10 were seen.  It begins to appear that we will
have some to harvest.

More tomatoes were tied to their trellises.

We observed lodging (falling over) of the Painted Mountain corn.
This corn variety has lodged in a private garden also.  We are
hoping that this is not a serious problem.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2011 August 2-3 harvests and work

On Tuesday, 2011 August 2, Bruce, new volunteer Kathleen, Lance, and
Terri (grandmother of Kathleen) harvested 18 summer squash, 8
cucumbers, tomatoes (22 cherry-size, 23 small yellow pear, 13
larger red), about 7 pounds kale, about 4 sweet yellow banana
peppers, 11 weedy purslane plants, and some collard greens.

All of the collard plants (which were in bed B3) were pulled
after the harvest because they had many aphids.  The only
ordinary greens still growing in the garden are chard (half
of bed E2) and the Vates blue curled kale (in most of bed A6),
which has been productive much longer than expected.  Purslane,
usually regarded as a weed, is edible and can be used in salads
or cooked, so we took some to Open Heart Kitchen.  Some of the
kitchen staff have eaten the purslane, but we are told that the
customers object to it.

Other work included removing gravel from four planned raised beds,
removing weeds from a pile of dirt that is planned to fill those
raised beds, pulling some particularly unpleasant weeds near
the garden area (puncture weed and star thistle; both can be
painful), noticing more damage to lettuce (blamed on wild turkeys),
observed and attacked bindweed flowering within tomato beds,
and other weeding.

Open Heart Kitchen is the single important customer of the garden.
In an informal talk with Open Heart Kitchen, we learned (or re-learned)
that they can always use lettuce, garlic, red and green peppers,
tomatoes, summer squash, winter squash, and other greens like
kale.  We have begun to think about forecasting harvests to help
the kitchen with planning and were told that one-week forecasts
will help a lot, since menus are planned about a week in advance.

On Wednesday, 2011 August 3, Bruce, Diana, Lance, and Ruth (listed
alphabetically) harvested 13 summer squash, a tub of chard,
16 onions, 138 sweet yellow banana peppers (these are small),
8 cucumbers, 3 red tomatoes, 7 small yellow pear tomatoes,
a couple gallons of basil greens, and about 10 squash blossoms.

The onions are large but some are starting to rot at the bottoms
(they share a bed with tomatoes and are receiving too much water),
and will be finished within a few weeks.  The banana peppers are
probably starting to produce in large quantity.  Other pepper
varieties do not yet seem ready for harvest.  We could, but do not yet
plan to, harvest immature fruit; first we want to learn how large
the fruits of various varieties grow.  This was the first time we
picked much basil; several people in the kitchen were ecstatic.
Some of the people in the kitchen want squash blossoms; we picked
them after the rest of the harvest, by which time they were already
quite limp.

Other work included weeding and tying many tomato vines to their trellises.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Work done Friday-Sunday July 29-31

On Friday-Sunday 2011 July 29-31, there were garden work sessions.
Friday's was at the standing time, the others were impromptu.

The major efforts were to complete inventories of some of the crops
and to begin moving the fence as the first step in expanding the garden.
Weeding (surprise) was done all three days.

On Friday, Bruce, Jennifer, Lance, and Mark (alphabetical)
* watered volunteer unidentified crops in the far-eastern bed,
  these seem to be squash and melons;
* completed the pepper inventory in beds A7 and A8; and
* began mulching the younger peppers in those beds.

The garden had received another pile of grass clippings that we use to
mulch.  All three varieties of beans planted in the "three sisters" garden
in beds F1 and F2 have sprouted.

On Saturday, Bruce, Jennifer, Lance, Mark, and Ruth
* planned first steps for moving and expanding the garden fence,
* completed mulching the younger peppers, and
* removed some large rocks from the garden expansion area.

Squash bugs were found on one Raven zucchini squash plant in bed B3,
both adults and nymphs.  The ones that were seen were squashed.

On Sunday, Bruce, Lance, and Mark
* tied a few sprawling tomatoes to their trellises,
* began watering a pile of dirt that is nearly rock-hard and is
  intended to be moved into raised beds, and
* continued moving and expanding the fence.

We observed that many of the new lettuce plants have been damaged,
almost certainly by a local flock of wild turkeys.  A protective
cover, which had been removed to make weeding easier,
has been put back in place.  It is big enough to protect about half
of the lettuce plants.

Three cultivars of summer squash were planted in western bed AB10 on
July 16.  Two cultivars sprouted within a few days.  The third,
Benning's Green Tint, was first observed August 2.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crop Log on the Blog

Here is the most updated Crop Log

garden harvest and work for 2011 July 26-27

On Tuesday morning 2011 July 26, Bruce and Lance (alphabetical) harvested
39 heads of lettuce from the GoG auxiliary.  From the main garden they
harvested 17 cucumbers (about 8 pounds), about 8 pounds kale, a zucchini
(about 1 pound), about 6 pounds Swiss chard, and 6 pattypan squash (about
5 pounds).  They also watered newly planted beans (in beds F1 and F2); weeded;
mulched (with grass clippings) beds A1, B1, B2, B3, B5, A6, and B6;
and "fertigated" the productive squash plants in beds B3 and west AB7
using compost-manure tea.  Four of the harvested cucumbers were about 12
inches long, others were mostly 5-6 inches.  The harvests were delivered
to Open Heart Kitchen.

On Tuesday evening, Bruce, Lance, and Mark increased the height of four
trellises, in beds A1, B1, D1, and E1.  Three trellises, in beds
C1, C2, and D2, have not had their height increased.  Some tomatoes
were tied to the trellis in bed C2.

On Wednesday morning 2011 July 27, Bruce, Diana, and Lance (alphabetical)
haarvested about 187 carrots (emptying bed A4), 2 zucchini, 8 pattypan
squash, 57 peppers (mostly "sweet banana", but at least one of them was
hot), about two dozen tomatoes (over half of them "yellow pear"), 26 onions,
and a kale plant that had bolted.  From the auxiliary garden, 23 heads
of lettuce were harvested.  They also weeded and mulched with more
grass clippings.

Open Heart Kitchen gave the garden a pair of herb plants.

On Wednesday evening, Bruce, Lance, and Mark watered many beds and
discussed plans for garden expansion.

We have discussed how to put harvests in the crop log, and decided we
need a separate (set of) log(s) instead.  We probably want a separate
record (or spreadsheet row) each time we harvest from a logged crop.  We
are experimenting with such information, using hokey crop identifiers
until crop numbers stabilize, to see how well it seems to work.

We have included some details of the July 26-27 harvest below in an
experimental format which is intended to be suitable for input into
spreadsheets or databases.  We do not intend to make this detail
routinely available in the blog in the future.

If anyone notices that some fields should be added to the harvest log,
please let us know.  Here are the fields currently being tried.
(The "hokey-Crop-ID" is likely to be replaced by a real crop ID from
the crop log, plus a human-friendly crop description.)  One of the
reasons for a separate "unit" field is that a what we call a crop
(e.g., a variety of vegetable planted in a particular bed on a
particular day) might yield crops of different units.  For instance,
a bean plant could yield snap bean pods, or shelly (green) beans,
or dried beans.



(The three lettuces above filled a 5-cubic-foot cooler.  Other than that,
we don't have volume or weight information.)

"20110726","Gog-B3-squash-raven-f1-35-date","1","fruit","1 pound","","OHK"

(We estimated a total 8 pounds of cucumbers, and
a total of 10 cucumbers other than yamato extra long.
At this time, we are estimating weights by feel.  Weights may be unreliable.)

"20110726","Gog-A6-kale-vates-blue-curled-70-date","","leaves","8 pounds","","OHK"
"20110726","Gog-E2-chard-various-accNumbers-date","","leaves","6 pounds","","OHK"
"20110726","Gog-AB7-squash-pattypan-yellow-accNumber-date","5","fruit","4 pounds","","OHK"
"20110726","Gog-AB7-squash-pattypan-white-accNumber-date","1","fruit","1 pound","","OHK"
"20110727","Gog-A4-thirdRowFromNorth-carrot-king-midas-f1-81-date", "37","root+top","","","OHK"

Again, the lettuce harvest just about filled the same 5-cubic-foot cooler.

"20110727","Gog-AB7-squash-pattypan-white-accNumber-date", "5","fruit","","","OHK"
"20110727","Gog-B3-squash-pattypan-yellow-accNumber-date", "1","fruit","","","OHK"
"20110727","Gog-B3-squash-pattypan-white-accNumber-date",  "1","fruit","","","OHK"

At least one of the 57 peppers was hot, not sweet.

"20110727","Gog-A1-onion-fortress-42-date","26","bulb+top","30 pounds","","OHK"

-- Lance

Sunday, July 24, 2011

24Jul11 Manure tea and carrot germination

On 24Jul11, Mark started a batch of manure tea in a 44 gallon Brute trash can, placed just N of the back fence, S of the standpipe.  In it he dumped 3 cu. ft. of manure blend (Home Depot) and 1 cu. ft. of steer manure (Lowe's).  He then filled the can to the top with water, stirred, and placed the lid tightly.

Also, the first signs of germinating carrots have appeared on bed A2.  He watered that bed.  He also water the lettuces on AB10.

Garden work 23 July 11

On 23Jul11, Mark weeded beds AB7, AB8,  AB9, B5, B4, and most of C1.  Pigweed was dominant, with a few, especially among the tomatoes, in flower.  Other weeds were:

Knotweed, mature
Cheeseweed, seedlings
Lamb's quarters, seedlings
Henbit, a few weaklings
Crabgrass, seedlings
Bindweed, short sprouts

Beds still needing attention are A2, E2 and the N-end of D1.  Also, the walking aisles among the tomatoes are in need of weeding.

Tomato tying: Mark tied back all tomatoes that were falling into walking aisles.


Pepper: several of the yellow banana peppers, on bed B2 and AB7 are ready or near-ready for harvest.

Carrots: Bed A2, on which carrots were recently planted, showed no signs of germination, however a large number of pigweed seedlings were present.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

2011 July 22: students, harvest, and garden work

On Friday morning, 2011 July 22, Bruce and Lance and a class of
VBS 4th and 5th graders:

transplanted 6 lettuce plants into bed AB10;
pulled some weeds;
harvested about 20 carrots from bed A4,
some chard from bed E2,
some collards from bed B3,
some zucchini summer squash from bed B3,
some pattypan squash from beds B3 and AB7, and
a few tomatoes from various beds;
rinsed the carrots;
and delivered the harvest to Jody Michalik of Open Heart Kitchen.

   On Friday afternoon 2011 July 22 Bruce, Lance, Ron, and Ruth

* transplanted in bed AB10 more lettuce (details below)
* planted bean seeds in beds F1 and F2 (details below)
* planted a few carrot seeds in bed B2 (details below)
* watered lettuce, recently-seeded carrots, volunteer pumpkin/squash
  in bed AB10, and volunteer plants (squash? melons?) in a new bed at
  the east end of the garden
* treated powdery mildew on a couple of summer squash (details below)
* did some weeding.

Details for transplanting lettuce into bed AB10:

The following varieties of lettuce were transplanted, from east to
west, into bed AB10:
10 Green Oakleaf
4 "Red leaf" (the identifying tag was lost)
6 Bunte Forellenschluss
6 Forellenschluss
5 Gold Rush
3 Webb's Wonderful
10 Australian Yellow Leaf
5 Tennis Ball

   This includes lettuce plants transplanted by students in the morning
and volunteers in the afternoon.  These transplants were placed west
of lettuces occupying roughly the east half of bed AB10, and east of
various squashes growing in the west end of bed AB10.

Details for planting beans in beds F1 and F2:

11 Rattlesnake locations in the northern corn patch of bed F1
   near "Sugar Buns" and "Earth Tones" corn,
11 Romano Musica locations in the southern corn patch of bed F1
   near "Painted Mountain" corn,
11 Scarlet Runner locations in the northern corn patch of bed F2
   near "Stowell's Evergreen" corn,
11 Rattlesnake locations in the middle corn patch of bed F2
   near "Double Standard" corn, and
11 Romano Musica locations in the southern corn patch of bed F2
   near "Sugar Buns" corn.

   Since bed F1 is north of bed F2, the patches are listed in
north-to-south order.

   Two bean seeds were planted per location.  In each corn patch, 5
locations are in the east side of the patch and 6 are in the west side.

   The corn patches are separated by patches of Waltham Butternut
squash.  Beans, corn, and squash constitute a "three-sisters"
traditional Native American garden.

Details on the carrot planting:

   A few carrot seeds were planted at the west end of the third-from-
north row of bed A2.  This is an experiment to presprout carrot seeds,
intended to help them sprout faster and more reliably.  We suspect a
few mistakes were made in the pre-sprouting process, but hope for some
useful results.  The variety is Bolero Nantes (seed inventory #82).

Details regarding powdery mildew:

   Two summer squash plants in bed B3 appear to be suffering powdery
mildew.  We tried to treat them by applying a sodium-bicarbonate
solution, as explained in "Gardening When it Counts", by Steve
Solomon.  We dissolved a quarter-teaspoon of the chemical in a cup
of water, added a little detergent so the solution would not run off
the leaves, and treated much of one plant, and one leaf of another
plant.  Results are not yet known.  We do not want to continue this
exact treatment for long, as excess sodium is somewhat toxic in
garden soil (salts build up).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 19 harvest and July 20 planting

On Tuesday 2011 July 19, Bruce, Dick, Judy, Lance, and Terri
(alphabetical) harvested and did other work.  Harvested:

* a small tub of "Georgia Southern" collards (seed inventory #91)
from bed B3;

* 2 pattypan and about 6 zucchini "Raven F1" summer squash
(#35) from bed B3;

* a pattypan summer squash from west end of bed AB7;

* 31 "Touchon Deluxe" (#88) carrots from the two northern rows of bed A4;

* 24 "King Midas F1" (#81) carrots from the third-from-north row of bed A4;

* 53 "coreless Amsterdam" (#87) carrots from the three southern rows of bed A4;

* small crops of tomatoes including variety "Yellow Pear" (#256) from
bed A1, some from bed A2, and some from bed E1;

* two small tubs "Vates Blue Curled" kale (#70) from bed A6;

* a few more potatoes from beds AB10 and CDE10;

* two large coolers of lettuce from the Garden of Grace Auxiliary.  These comprised the varieties:
Ashely, Rosalita, Cimmaron and Freckles, totally approx 60 heads

The above vegetables plus some previously-harvested potatoes and garlic
were delivered to Open Heart Kitchen.

Beds AB10 (excluding the west end now populated by volunteer squash and
new hills of summer squash) and CDE10 were fertilized with composted
manure, which was mixed into the top four inches (roughly), and were
leveled.  The newly-harvested potatoes were discovered during this work.

Some weeds, as always, were pulled.

Aphids were found on a couple of the collard plants in bed B3, powdery
mildew is being monitored on a couple of the Raven zucchini plants in bed B3,
and we are puzzled by wilting of the golden hubbard squash in bed B6.

On Wednesday, 2011 July 19, Bruce, Lance, and Terri transplanted lettuce in
roughly the eastern half of bed AB10.  Twelve of each of the following
varieties were transplanted (except that there were 14 Tennis ball plants).
They are listed in order of planting, starting at the east end of the bed.

* Rouge d'Hiver
* Mascara
* Bronze Arrowhead
* Speckle
* Amish Deertongue
* Reine des Glaces
* Slobolt
* Tango
* Pablo
* Tennis Ball

A 20 ft long ENT frame with deer netting was placed over the newly planted lettuces. Early Thursday afternoon, a 24 ft length (6 ft wide) of 40% shade netting was pinned onto the frame/netting. The netting belongs to Bruce and will be returned after the lettuces are harvested. The netting and shade cover should prevent the turkeys from damaging the lettuces.

An explosion of Pig Weed seedlings is pushing up through the grass mulch on most of the beds.  The weeds pull out easily and quickly by simple grabbing the grass mulch and clippings together. We will need to focus on weeding over the next week.

The upper course of fencing needs to be cut/secured on all of the trellises.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Work done July 15-16

On Friday, 2011 July 15, Bruce, Jennifer, Lance, Ruth, and new volunteer
Terry (alphabetical)

* harvested about 43 pounds "CA White" and 3 pounds "Red La Soda"
from bed AB10;

* harvested about 35 pounds potatoes from bed CDE10; this bed contained a few CA White on the W end, with the remaining being Norkotah Russet;

* spread grass clippings on south slope of beds A6, B5, B6, and AB7;

* watered 3 fairly dry beds; and

* weeded (as always).

On Saturday, 2011 July 16, Bruce, Judy, Lance, and Mark

* emplaced a course of trellis wire over bed C1 for cucumbers;

* removed African Horned cucumbers (seed inventory #60) from bed C1,
since they were overrunning other crops;

* harvested all remaining onions from bed A2, to free it for next crops;

* double-dug, manured, smoothed, and removed stones from bed A2;

* planted three varieties of carrots in the two northern rows in bed
A2, four more rows are to be planted later, see details below;

* repaired T-Tape problems in beds B5 and AB7;

* positioned bed boxes on north end of garden for leveling / filling;

* leveled formerly-potato beds CDE10 and most of AB10;

* manured, dug six hills, and planted summer squash in the west end
of bed AB10, near the volunteer squash/pumpkins, more detail below;

* weeded.

We intend succession plantings of carrots in bed A2.  The northern
rows are planted first, and planting will be north to south, so that
new short plantings are not shaded by old taller plantings.  The
varieties planted in the two northern rows of A2 are
* Long Imperator 58 (seed inventory #78), in west third of northern row;
* King Midas (#81), in east two-thirds of northern row;
* Babette (#83), in second row.

The six hills of summer squash planted in the west end of bed AB10
have three varieties: Italian Romanesco F1 hybrid (seed inventory #243),
Supersett F1 hybrid yellow crookneck (#244), and Benning's Green Tint
pattypan (#245).  We intend to thin to one plant per hill when we are
convinced that we would not be selecting another volunteer.  (Volunteer
squash are still germinating and sprouting in this area.)  From west
to east, the hills contain Romanesco, Supersett, and Bennings, and then
again Romanesco, Supersett, and Bennings.  The Romanesco is expected to
be similar to an open-pollinated variety, Costata Romanesco, which has
large bushes, so the hills containing Romanesco F1 have more space for
growth.  This planting is late, so we do not expect a large extended
crop but do expect enough to evaluate the flavor and quality of the

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 July 12-13 harvests

On Tuesday, 2011 July 12, Bruce and Lance (alphabetical) harvested the

* About 52 carrots were picked from each of the two southern rows of bed
A4.  The variety in both rows was "coreless Amsterdam" (#87).  We estimated
they weighed 22 pounds including tops.
* About 16 onions were picked from bed A1.  The weight, including greens,
was estimated as about 18 pounds.
* The potatoes that were harvested on July 9 were delivered to Open Heart.
* The beets picked and pickled on June 18 were delivered to Open Heart,
and one of the kitchen volunteers praised them.  See the June 18 blog entry
for details.

The carrots in the most-southern row were harder to pull, probably
because the soil was less shaded and became harder.

On Wednesday, 2011 July 13, Bruce, Judy, and Lance (alphabetical) did some
weeding and harvested the following for Open Heart.

* 6 Raven zucchini (#35) were picked from bed B3.  This was about 2 pounds.
* 1 cucumber, probably "Tasty Jade F1" (#187), was picked; about 8 ounces.
* 2 yellow pattypan squashes were picked from bed AB9; about 4 ounces.
* 1 yellow pattypan squash was picked from bed B3; about 2 ounces.
* 1 tub of swiss chard, assorted varieties, was picked from bed E2; about
10-15 pounds.
* 1 tub Vates blue curled kale (#70) was picked from bed A6; about 20 pounds.
* 40 carrots, coreless Amsterdam (#87), were picked from the third row
  (counting from the south side) of bed A4; about 8 pounds.
* 35 onions (about 7 from bed A2 and 28 from bed A1) were picked; about
  30-35 pounds including greens.
* About 8 pounds of Georgia Southern collards (#91) were picked from
  bed B3.
* About 20 pounds of Red La Sota potatoes were dug from bed AB10.
We think all Red La Sota potatoes have been harvested, except for a
few that became interplanted with volunteer squash.

A small lettuce delivery was also made, consisting of:
10 heads Freckles #224
2 heads Ashley #222
1 head Rosalita #223

This lettuce was grown at the GOG Auxiliary #1.

Seed planting 13Jul11

On 13Jul11, the following seeds were planted in the greenhouse:

Lettuce, Jericho, #266, 96 plts
Orach, Double Purple, #267, 24 plts
Purslane, Golden, #263, 24 plts

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Planting day 2011 July 9, Saturday

At an impromptu planting day, these people (listed more or less
alphabetically) worked: the Brunells (John, Mark, Maya, Miki),
Emily, Judy, and Lance.

Garlic and shallots were harvested from beds A3 and B5.  These were purchased from Lockhart Seed Co. and planted on 6Oct10 (JD 279), making 276 days from planting to harvest.  These were taken home by Mark for storage.  Counts, which include plants stored by Ruth and Bruce, are:

Soft-neck garlic (CA Late White): 193 heads
Hard-neck garlic (Spanish Roja): 84 heads
Dutch Yellow Shallots: 225 individual bulbs

Note that garlic has been harvested previously, and the above numbers do not include those plants.  The garlic and shallot beds became available for planting.

Potatoes (Red La Soda) were harvested from the western end
of bed AB10.  These were planted from seed purchased at Lockhart Seed Co. in Stockton.  They were planted 22Jan11 (JD 22), and harvested on 9Jul11 (JD 190), making 168 days of growth.  About 5/6 cubic foot, totaling 28 pounds, were harvested.  A few potato plants in the area, surrounded by
volunteer squash plants, were not harvested, to try to spare
the squash.

These tomatoes were planted:
5 "Royal Flush" (#213) tomatoes, in bed E2.
5 "San Marzano" (#211) Roma-type tomatoes, in bed C1.
2 "Odoriko" (#214) tomatoes, in bed C1.  Bed C1 is now full.
11 "Basrawya" tomatoes, in bed D1.  Bed D1 is now full.

These eggplants were planted:
6 "Black Beauty" (#19) eggplants, in bed E2.  Bed E2 is now full.

For the following bean plantings, narrow furrows were created (with a colinear hoe) between the T-tape lines, and all seeds were placed at a 2 inch longitudinal spacing.  Transverse spacing was determined by the number of T-tape lines on the particular bed.

These soybeans were planted, intended as a cover or green-manure crop:
4 rows of "Viking" (#237) soybeans, in bed B6.  The bed is shared with golden
Hubbard squash and a lavender herb, and is full.

Bush beans (P. vulgaris) were planted in beds AB9, A3, B4, B5.  Details:

In bed AB9, "Royal Burgundy" beans (#185) were planted to fill gaps in the east
end of the bed.  The beans are in 4 rows.  They are arranged in blocks.
The "Royal Burgundy" block is at the east end (with some squash mixed in).
Proceeding to the west, the other blocks contain "Gold Rush" wax beans (#239),
dwarf horticultural "Taylor's cranberry" beans (#241), and "Purple Queen" (#240).  This bed is now full.

In bed B5, 4 rows of beans were planted.  They were planted in 3 blocks,
from east to west the blocks contain "Taylor's cranberry" (#241), "Gold Rush" (#239),
and "Purple Queen" (#240).  This bed is now full.

In bed B4, "Royal Burgundy" (#185) beans were planted in a small area previously
occupied by two large cabbage plants.  This bed is now full, it contains
mostly 4 rows of "Royal Burgundy" beans and about 10 melon vines.

In bed A3, 5 rows were planted, in 4 blocks.  From east to west, the
blocks contain "Royal Burgundy" (we have used all seed of that kind),
"Taylor's Cranberry", "Gold Rush", and "Purple Queen".  The bed is full.

Some other work was done.

In various beds, tomatoes were tied to their trellises as needed.

Collards or kale that had been allowed to go to seed in bed A2 were
pulled; enough seed had been harvested.  This bed is idle except for
the east end, which contains onions.

Some weeds were pulled.  Many remain.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Seed planting 8Jul11

On 8Jul11, the following seeds were planted in the greenhouse:

Spinach, Catalina, #115, 48 plts
Spinach, Summer Perfection, #119, 24 plts
Arugula, #114, 24 plts
Chard, Fordhook Giant, #142, 24 plts
Mustard, Southern Giant Curled, #98, 24 plts
Kale, Winterbor Hybrid, #166, 24 plts
Kohlrabi, Superschmelz, #235, 24 plts
Collard, Flash Hybrid, #90, 24 plts
Kale, Red Russian, #34, 24 plts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 5 and 6 harvests

  On Wednesday, 2011 July 6, Bruce, Judy, and Lance (alphabetical) harvested

* 2 small red tomatoes from bed A1
* 7 Raven zucchini (3 rather large, 4 small) from bed B3
* 18 King Midas carrots from bed A4

  We also immobilized T-tape in beds D1, E2, F1, and F2.

  On Tuesday, 2011 July 5, Bruce and Lance harvested

* 2/3 tub of Vates Blue Curled Kale from bed B6
* about 15 pounds chard from bed E2
* about 2/3 tub of Georgia Collards from bed B3
* 3 about-10-inch-long Raven zucchini from bed B3
* 47 carrots, Touchon deluxe, about 15 pounds, from bed A4

  We planted some herbs that had been donatede to Open Heart Kitchen,
mostly in bed C1.

  We also immobilized T-tape in beds AB8 and AB9.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Garden work summary for 6/29, 7/1 and 7/2/2011

Wednesday, 6/29/11 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon: Judy, Lance, Emily, and Bruce accomplished the following:

1) Harvested 99 Imperator carrots (about 45 lbs of roots and greens) from bed A5 (bed is bare now).. The carrots were large averaging abour10 to 12 inches with some specimens 14 to 18 inches long and 2-1/2 inches in diameter at the top. Flaover was good although they were probably juicier a week or two ago.

2) Harvested first four Raven zucchini from B3 (plants are growing vigorously and setting fruit on every plant. Yellow summer squash were partially shaded and crowded by Georgia Southern Collards and have not set fruit yet.

3) Harvested a tub (about 1.5 bushels) of Georgia Southern Collards. Plants are growing vigorously and leaves taste a little like turnip greens.  Seems to be a good summer variety of collard. Cut bottom course of leaves/stems.

4) Planted about 6 Sweet Basil plants provided by a person from the OHK. and healed in two Thyme plants.

5) Cut and placed fence for trellis on bed C2

6) Spread about 1/2 c.y. of grass trimming mulch on beds.

Friday, 7/1/11 from 4:00 to 6:30 PM: Bruce, Lance and Ruth accomplished the following:

1) Tied tomatoes to trellises on beds C2, D1, D2, and E1.

2) spread grass clipping much on the foolwing beds: F1, F2, E1, E2, D1, D2, C2, AB9, AB7 and B4.

3) Mark bought Batteries and installed them into the three irrigation timers.

Saturday, 7/1/11 from 7:00 to 9:30 AM: Bruce, Lance and Mark accomplished the following:

1) Thinned and transplanted corn in beds F1 and F2.

2) Installed trellis poles on beds C1 and A1.

3) Installed fence trellis (first course) on bed A1.

4) Harvested two Northern rows of onions on A1 in order to make room for Trellis.  Most onion had not reached full size.  Mark took onions to his house for drying.  Onions that had been harvested a week earlier and left to dry near composting bins were drying well.  Onion counts:

Onion, Fortress, 68 bulbs.

5) Tomatoes were tied to trellis on bed A1. a couple of Yellow Pear tomatos were ripe (firm but sweet).

6) A little weeding and T-Tape staking was done.

7) Bruce and Mark will return later in the evening to clean tiller and return it to Dick and Wanda Finn.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Work at Garden 6/28/11

It's June 28th and it started raining about 1.00 PM and has rained on and off all day and evening (now 9:30 PM).

Dick and Bruce installed the first course of trellis fencing on the posts driven on beds D1 and D2.  Dick assembled the two remaining 4' x 10' x 9.5" high raised bed boxes.

Bruce harvested the following for the Open Heart Kitchen:
  • Carrots, Danvers 86                      28 ea.               6 lbs         A5
  • Carrots, Coreless Amsterdam        64 ea.             12 lbs         A5  
  • Carrots, Imperator                         11 ea.               3 lbs         A5
  • Cabbage (large)                               2 ea.          12+3lbs         B4
  • Kale, Vates Blue Curled             1/2 Tub                 6  lbs       A6
  • Collards, Southern Georgia               1 tub                 7 lbs        B3
Total: 49 lbs of produce to OHK.

Largest cabbage was 12 to 13 inches in diameter and weighed about 12 lbs. The outer leaves of both cabbages were thoroughly infested with earwigs and aphids that appear to have occured late enough that they had very little effect on the developement of the heads.  The largest plant had about 12 "axial Brussel sprout- like flowering heads beneath the main head.

Harvested about 1/2 of the A6 bed of Vates Blue Curled Kale Two plants had bolted to the point where the main stem had significantly branched and the leaves were small and numerous. the leaves were smaller (6 ro 8 inches long but were good tasting. Need to harvest Northern side of bed tomorrow.

Harvested 1/2 of the Southern Giant Collards, which were sweet and succulent. Flavor is a little like turnip greens. Need to harvest remaining 4 plants tomorrow. Leaves are spreading out enough that they were significantly shading 2 or three of the crook- necked squash.

Three of the Raven Zucchini plants are growing fast and have started to set fruits.

Beans are growing vigorously in beds B4 and AB9.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 21-22 harvests and work

Bruce, Lance, and Mark gardened 2011 June 21, Tuesday.

Bruce and Mark rototilled a new bed, using the rototiller borrowed
from Wanda Finn.

The June 21 harvest included
* Red Russian kale from bed B5, about 10 pounds, the plants were no
longer productive and were pulled;
* Vates blue curled kale from bed A6, about 6 pounds, most plants are
still producing;
* 3 small Royal Chantenay carrots;
* 31 yellow and orange sunshine carrots (about 4 pounds);
* 10 Bolero Nantes carrots (about 1.5 pounds);
* 15 Babette carrots (about 1.3 pounds);
* 33 "Danvers 86" carrots (about 15 pounds).

The carrots were all from bed B5. In bed B5 some Danvers 86 carrots
are still present, but the other four kinds are finished. Three of the
Danvers 86 carrots were very large, more than 2 inches in diameter, and
one of those was over 12 inches long.

Judy and Lance gardened 2011 June 22, Wednesday.

Bed F (planted June 18) was watered, as were other plants transplanted
that day.

The June 22 harvest included
* 15 "Charmant" cabbages, perhaps 25-30 pounds, from bed AB9, there are no
* Fiz kale, about a half tub, was taken from bed E2; the plants were pulled.

On both days, weeds were pulled.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Work day 18Jun11

On 2011 June 18, Saturday morning, Bruce, Judy, Lance, and Mark worked.

Before work started, an inventory of the not-yet-transplanted plants located at the garden found
26 Waltham Butternut winter squash (#188)
13 crookneck summer squash (exact variety unknown - origin is Dale McNeal, UOP)
9 melon, Delicious 51 (#145)
6 kabocha hybrid Naguri winter squash (#154)
4 Vietnamese mint (#149)
3 Trombetta di Albenga summer squash (#36)
2 eggplant, Japanese long (possibly #155?)
1 fennel, Zefo Fino (#37)
1 melon, Hale's Best 45 (#144)

That is a total of 65 plants.  Of these, 48 were transplanted.  The following were not transplanted because they appeared moribund or inappropriate:
2 kabocha Naguri (#154)
7 crookneck
1 trombetta (#36)
Vietnamese mint (#149), eggplant, and fennel (#37) (7 plants total).

The following planting and transplanting activities took place:

Planted from south to north:
24 hills of Sugar Buns sweet corn seeds (#171)
4 plants of Waltham Butternut (#188)
24 hills of Double Standard sweet corn seeds (#159)
4 plants of Waltham Butternut (#188)
24 hills of Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn seeds (#146)
4 plants of Waltham Butternut (#188)
24 hills of Painted Mountain flour corn seeds (#160)
4 plants of Waltham Butternut (#188)
16 hills of Earth Tones corn seeds (part of a Three Sisters "kit" sold by Renee's Seed Co.)
16 hills of Sugar Buns sweet corn seeds (#171)
8 plants of Waltham Butternut (#188)

Appending to the plants at the east end, 2 crookneck summer squash were transplanted.

Appending to the plants at the north end, 2 trombetta (#36) summer squash were transplanted.

Spaced throughout the bed and around the remaining two January King (#103) cabbages, all ten melon plants were transplanted:
9 Delicious 51 (#145)
1 Hale's Best (#144)
Interplanted with the melons were four rows of purple royal burgundy bean seed #185.  The rows were placed exactly between the T-tape runs, and seeds were spaced at approximately 2 inches in the row.

Transplanted into the eastern half of the bed, after removal of Vates Collards (#89) stems/roots:
2 Waltham Butternut (#188)
4 kabocha Naguri (#154)
4 crookneck
In this bed, Charmant (#73) cabbages still remain in the W half, more than half harvested but roots still remaining...the Waltham Butternut were placed up against the cabbages.  Kabocha were placed E of these, and then Crooknecks to the E end of the bed.  Purple Royal Burgundy beans were interplanted exactly as in bed B4.

All remaining Bull's Blood Beets (#75) were harvested.  Several were tiny, but a few, especially at the W end of the bed, were large-rooted.  Within an hour after harvest, these beets were processed by pickling and canning.  The result was exactly 6 quarts.  These jars will be presented to OHK.
After beets were removed, three hills of Golden Hubbard winter squash seeds (#131) were planted, centered in bed B6, with five feet separating the hills and five feet separating the end hills from the ends of the bed.  Beans were not interplanted at this time.  Prior to planting these seeds, the book "Golden Gate Gardening" by Pam Pierce was consulted...for the region including Walnut Creek, it was stated that mid-June was the last chance to plant winter squash so we are attempting it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Work day 17Jun11

On 2011 June 17, Friday, late afternoon, Bruce, Jennifer, Lance,
Mark, and Ruth (alphabetical) worked.

Bed F was rototilled and made ready for planting. Wanda Finn lent her Kubota rototiller for this work.  About 15 bags of manure were worked into the soil.  We achieved a friable depth of approximately 12 inches.  Many large stones were removed.

Bed A3: About 20-30 garlic bulbs were harvested.

About 137 peppers were transplanted, as follows (data provisional):

At the west end of bed AB7, 24 peppers were planted, including
Big Dipper
Fresno Chili

At the western end of bed AB8 some more peppers of the above three
varieties were transplanted.
Next to the east were transplanted
Marconi Rosso.
Next to the east were transplanted these:
California Wonder (#17)
Emerald Giant (#141).
Next to the east were planted
Canary Bell (yellow) (#206).

Most of bed AB8 is now peppers, starting at the west end.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Harvest 8Jun11

OHK Harvest day:
Five people worked today: alphabetically, Diana, Erica, Lance,
Liz, and Teresa.  With all that collective enthusiasm we harvested
(weights are very rough estimates):
    * 10 cabbages (about 30 pounds) (bed AB9)
    * kale, Vates blue curled (about 5 pounds) (bed A6)
    * kale, Fizz (about 3 pounds) (bed E2)
    * collards, Georgia (about 3 pounds) (bed B3)
    * swiss chard, various types (about 3 pounds) (bed E2)
    * 8 beets (bed B6)
    * 11 carrots, orange and yellow sunshine (bed A5)
    * 4 carrots, Bolero Nente (bed A5)
    * 7 carrots, Imperator (bed A5)
    * 2 carrots, Danvers (bed A5)
    * 2 bulbs garlic (bed A3)
    Carrots were specifically selected for thinning to make room for
    Other work included watering the plants still in pots, layering and
watering the compost pile, and weeding.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weeding and Weed notes 3Jun11

On 3Jun11, Mark weeded most of the garden.  In particular, a stirrup hoe was used to remove large weeds in the boarder area adjacent to the community garden, and also in the walking isles.

Notes on weeds seen:

Field bindweed is throughout garden, both seedlings and vines, some in flower.
Henbit is still present, in flower, but on its way out.
Annual bluegrass is everywhere but not too many young plants.
A couple of Nightshade plants, in leaf only, were seen in the beds.  Most likely Solanum nigrum.
A couple of Doveweed plants were seen in the boarder area.  Species is Eremocarpus setigerus.
Pigweed is now well established and several larger plants in boarder areas were in flower.
Cheeseweed is in two conditions: seedlings and older scenescent plants with seeds already fallen.
Knotweed is very old and lanky, forming mats in boarder areas.
Scarlet Pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis, is widespread, and forming small mats in beds and boarder areas.
Black Mustard is in flower in boarder areas.
Ryegrass, Lolium perenne, is in flower in boarder areas.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Garden workday 2Jun11

Taken from an email sent by Lance:
Missions accomplished except for the weeding.  Diana (as you have seen)
and Liz both took photos.  Harvest estimates:
   10 cabbages, about 18-20 pounds total
   Lacinato kale (finished), from bed A6, about 3-4 pounds
   Fiz kale, from bed E2, about 3-4 pounds
   Vates blue curled kale, from bed A6, about 1-2 pounds
   15(?) beets, from bed B6, about 3 pounds

The large, lovely cabbage in one of Diana's photos was in a separate bed
and was not harvested.  We had to harvest a photo of it, though.

Most of the bindweed flowers were removed to prevent new seeds, but
otherwise weeding was negligible.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Seeds planting: peppers and cucumber

On 25May11, planted peppers and cucumbers in the greenhouse.  I planted 6 pots (AB45 bands) of each:
  • Cucumber, Dasher II #59
  • Cucumber, Yamato Extra Long #143
  • Cucumber, Tasty Jade #187
  • Pepper, King of the North #219
  • Pepper, Topepo Rosso #220
  • Pepper, Sweet Red Stuffing #221

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Seed planting: lettuce

In the greenhouse planted heat-tolerant or slow-bolting lettuces (note that Ashley, Freckles, and Rosalita were seeded about 2 weeks ago, now with about 4 true leaves; all other varieties were seeded on 24May11).  This is a total of 360 plants:
  • Ashley #222 24 plts (½ flat),
  • Asian Red #226 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Blonde du Cazard #234 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Brune d’Hiver #233 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Celtuce #232 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Cimmaron #231 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Flame #230 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Freckles #224 48 plts (1 flat)
  • Gentilina #229 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Mignonette Bronze #228 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Petite Rouge #227 24 plts (½ flat)
  • Rosalita #223 48 plts (1 flat)
  • Tetue de Nimes #225 24 plts (½ flat)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 4:00 to 6:30 PM

Four volunteers accomplished the following at the Garden of Grace: 1) fixed leaks in newly installed T-Tape irrigation system on beds A1 through A6 and B1 through B6; 2) planted 9 basil plants amongst tomatoes in beds B1, D1, D2, E1 and C2. Also watered whole garden and did some weeding.

Almost leaks occurred where the T-tape is joined to the manifold. in most cases the leaks were stopped by using two channel lock pliers to tighten the swagged fitting that secures the T-Tape to the manifold.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lettuce & other vegetables offered on Easter to Asbury community

On Easter Sunday, 24Apr11, approx. 50 heads combined of romaine, green and red salad bowl, and red sails lettuce, some Russian Red Kale leaves, about 12 primary broccoli heads, about 6 Bull's Blood beets, and 6 turnips were harvested from the GOG and offered to the church community after the service.  Donations were accepted.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lettuce & Kale delivery to Interfaith pantry

On Saturday, 23Apr11, approx. 80 heads of romaine and red salad bowl lettuce were delivered to the Interfaith Pantry, which were grown in the GOG auxiliary 1.  In addition, 3 large Winterbor kale plants, about 1.5 lbs of leaves, were also delivered.  This completes the lettuce harvest from GOG aux 1.  The pantry staff stated that half or more of the lettuce would be refrigerated until Monday when they reopen after Easter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lettuce & Radish delivery to Interfaith Food Pantry

On Friday 22Apr11, 44 heads of romaine and red salad bowl lettuce were delivered to the Interfaith Food Pantry at St Bartholomew's Episcopal Church on Enos Way.  About 2 lbs. of radishes were also delivered.  This produce was grown in the Garden of Grace auxiliary 1.  This pantry has two full refrigerators for storing produce, but bin space is limited and large plastic bags are used for bread, etc.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday, 4-16-11 work day

Diana and Judy weeded bed E2 and hand watered the Garden. Afterward they and Bruce assembled 28- T-Tape manifold components consisting of (tubing with end blocked with "figure" 8 termination, 3- regular T-tape couplings, 2- couplings w/valve.) 

The two components assembled Friday and today will be joined on the garden beds (attached at one end to the PVC supply line and at the other end to the T-Tape runs along the length of the beds.

Friday, 4-15-11, 4:30 PM

Jennifer, Liz and Bruce put together 28 T-tape manifold components; the elbow, valve and tubing end that inserts into the PVC line adapter.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, 4/12/11

Tuesday at 9:30 PM Bruce harvested the following produce from the Garden of Grace for the Open Heart Kitchen (the Garden s located about 200 feet from the kitchen in the Asbury UMC Fellowship Hall):

10 primary heads (4 lbs) of Goliath Broccoli were harvested from B2 (5 heads were 3" to 4" in diameter and the rest were from 2 to 3 inches in diameter (the primary heads from the harvest the prior week were larger (from 4 to 5 inches in diameter). (3 lbs) of secondary heads and a few leaves were also harvested from B2.  In beds AB7 and AB8, 6 primary heads of Goliath broccoli from 2" to 3" in diameter (1.5 lbs), and secondary efflorescences from 8 plants from 1/2" to 1-1/2" diameter (1.3 lbs) were harvested.

2 grocery bags of spinach leaves (5 lbs) were harvested off the small patch on A5.

33 heads of Red Sail Lettuce (10" to 12" in diameter) and 18 heads of Romaine Lettuce were harvested from the Auxiliary Garden at Marks home. The Romaine lettuce was a miniature study in the effect of micro climates and demonstrated: 1) edge effect (smaller plants, 2) full sun (large heads), 3) adequate shade (largest heads), 4) too much shade, (smallest heads).

Pictures taken of lettuce protected under row cover show healthy plants unaffected by frost.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, 4/13/11

8:30 AM, Mark and Bruce harvested 45 Red Sail Lettuces (about 16 lbs) from the Auxiliary Garden of Grace. Heads ranged from 10 to more than 12 inches in diameter and were pest free. Seedlings for the lettuce were planted February and were transplanted 35 days prior to harvest today. 

It was raining at 10:00 AM when work was to begin at the Garden of Grace. Judy, Janis and Bruce harvested the following: 2 lbs of White Icicle and Easter Egg radishes; 10 lbs of Southern Giant Mustard greens from B3 and B4 (a large plastic bag full); 2 grocery bags full of White Ribbed Chard (roughly 8 lbs from A2 and 4 lbs from B4 (several of the A2 plants are bolting); 2 grocery bags of Vates Blue Curled Kale about 12 lbs (axial buds were visible on most of the plants which may prove to be the first sign of bolting) ; about 20 lbs of Goliath Broccoli (mostly secondary florettes and broccoli leaves from beds AB7 and AB8.

In general, the Goliath variety has provided large primary efflorescences and fairly heavy secondary (6 to 10 ea.).  Also in general, the broccoli in beds AB 7 and 8 are smaller than those in B2.   

Note: This contrasts with the winter crop harvested in late November which produced very large primary efflorescences (4 to 5 inches) and hardly any secondary. Winter Diplomat were harvested in December about 2 weeks after the Goliath and were giants at 5 to 6 inches in  diameter.

Seed planting: Tomatoes, Peppers, Watermelon

On 11Apr11 (day 101), the following seeds were planted:

  • Tomato: Margold #204 (18 pots)
  • Tomato: Ace #205 (18 pots)
  • Pepper, Quadrato d’Asti Rosso #140 (24 plts)
  • Pepper: Canary Bell #206 (54 plts)
  • Pepper: CA wonder #17 (12 plts)
  • Pepper: Emerald Giant #141 (6 plts)
  • Watermelon: GA Rattlesnake #58 (6 pots)
  • Watermelon: Sugar Baby #208 (6 pots)
  • Watermelon: Moon & Stars #57 (6 pots)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Watered Garden, Report on plants

Bruce watered the Garden by hand Sunday, 4/10/11 starting at 11:00AM. Small tomato plants in C1 were apparently killed by frost damage Saturday morning, 4/9/11 where the KCALIVER19 Wunderground station (located about a mile north of the Garden near Mark's house) showed a low temperature of 35.2 degrees F at about 7:00 AM.  None of Mark's potatoes showed any signs of frost damage which supports a conclusion that the micro cliamte at the Garden of Grace is colder and perhaps windier that the micro climate At Mark's front yard (close to the KCALIVER19 Wunderground station). The combination of sleet and hail that fell between 7:00 and 7:30 PM Friday night might have also been a factor.  All of the recently planted tomato plants in rows A1 and B1 under row cover were not damaged and looked healthy.

All of the potato plants in Rows ABC3 and CD10 where also frost damaged but all of the plants appear to have survived. The Lasota Russets were the smallest plants and appear to have sustained the greatest damage (blackening of about 40 to 50% of the leaves and stems (uppermost apical meristem tissue was killed but lower shoots/meristems appear to have survived.

It appears that someone from the Asbury Landscape team cut the grass/weeds near the compost bins and all along the East fence next to the parking lot.  This was very helpful since the Friday volunteers had started to weed this area but quite a bit still remained.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Seed planting: Tomatoes & Pepper

On 14Mar11, the following seeds were planted:

Tomato, Celebrity Hybrid #193 (18 pots)
Tomato, Roma #197 (18 pots)
Tomato, Sungold #194 (18 pots)
Tomato, Jubilee #195 (9 pots)
Tomato, Better Boy #196 (9 pots)
Pepper, Poblano #191 (24 plts)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Seed Planting: collards, basil, cucumber, squash

On 13Mar11,the following seeds were planted:

Basil, Red Rubin #26 (24 plts)
Basil, Salad leaf (Renee's) (24 plts)
Basil, Italian Genovese #25 (24 plts)
Cucumber, African Horned #60 (9 pots)
Cucumber, Dasher II #59 (9 pots)
Cucumber, Yamato Extra Long #143 (18 pots)
Squash, Raven Zucchini (18 pots)
Collards, Georgia Southern #91 (24 plts)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bed E2 preparation, Chard & Kale Planting

On 12Mar11, Bruce, Jennifer and Mark removed rock from bed E2 by sifting, and the bed was double-dug at the same time.  Several hundred pounds of rock were removed.  Chard starts were planted on the S 3/4 of the bed, consisting of Fordhook Giant #142 and Bright Lights #92 varieties.  Approximately 120 plants were planted, with alternating transverse rows of 5 and 6, longitudinal spacing about 9 inches.  On the N end of the bed were planted Fizz Kale #167 starts; there were 24 plants placed in a 3-row gridiron.  Bruce topdressed a few plants with steer manure.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Produce harvested and delivered to Open Heart Kitchen 3/8/11

The Following produce was harvested and delivered to the Open Heart Kitchen:
8.4 # of radishes: Garden of Grace Auxillary 1
2.2 lbs of green onions: Garden of Grace Auxillary 1
2.1 lbs of Japanese Giant Red Mustard : Garden of Grace Auxillary 2.
3.7 lbs of  Southern Giant Mustard (B3 & B4)
1.6 lbs of Florida Giant Curled mustard (B3).
3.1 lbs Collards (B4)
0.9 lb Collards (A2)
4.5 lbs assorted lettuces (11 heads)
27.5 lbs

Seed Planting: Melon, Squash

On 8Mar11 the following seeds were planted:

Melon, Hale's Best #144 (18 pots)
Melon, Delicious 51 #145 (23 pots)
Squash, Trombetta di Albenga #36 (15 pots)
Squash, Kabocha #154 (10 pots)
Squash, Raven Zucchini #35 (6 pots)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Seed planting: New Zealand Spinach, Butternut Squash

On 7Mar11 the following seeds were planted:

New Zealand Spinach (30 plts)
Butternut Squash, Waltham (36 pots)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weed list

Major weeds in the GOG are (with their current status):


Amaranthaceae, Amaranth Family
  • (Red-root pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus, extremely abundant in beds last warm season, but not yet present in March)
Asteraceae, Sunflower Family
  • Bristly Ox-tongue, Picris echinoides, occasional seedlings in beds
  • Common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris, occasional in beds, extremely common in periphery, currently as seedlings and also adults flowering
  • Prickly Lettuce, Lactuca serriola, widespread in beds, closely resembling a lettuce seedling (actually left in place by weeding personnel in the lettuce beds), as of 13Mar11 seedlings with about 3 true leaves
  • (Yellow Starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis, a few plants were seen last year in the vicinity of bed E1, not yet seen as of March)
Brassicaceae, Mustard Family
  • Charlock, Sinapis arvensis, a large mass of full-flowering individuals to the east of the fire pit
  • Shepard's Purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris, only one plant seen on N end of beds, in flower and fruit
Caryophyllaceae, Pink Family
  • Chickweed, Stellaria media, seedlings scarce but adults plentiful and flowering and seeding, mostly peripherally
Convolvulaceae, Morning-Glory Family
  • Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, both perennial shoots and seedlings widespread
Fabaceae, Pea Family
  • California burclover, Medicago polymorpha, (ID provisional) starting to germinate in several beds (as of 13Mar11)
Geraniaceae, Geranium Family
  • Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium, extremely abundant to the north of the bed area, currently not in flower
Lamiaceae, Mint Family
  • Henbit, Lamium amplexicaule, very few adults but seedlings dominate the seedling weeds, adults flowering
Malvaceae, Mallow Family
  • Cheeseweed, Malva parviflora, seedlings scarce but adults dominating the weed biomass
Oxaliadaceae, Wood Sorrel Family
  • Creeping woodsorrel, Oxalis corniculata, mostly newly germinated seedlings, esp in the GOG auxiliary
Polygonaceae, Buckwheat Family
  • Prostrate knotweed, Polygonum aviculare, mostly seedlings (UCIPM lists as P. arenastrum, which is now a synonym of P. aviculare subsp. depressum in Jepson Manual 2nd ed.)
Urticaceae, Nettle Family


Poaceae, Grass Family
  • Annual bluegrass, Poa annua, seedlings and adults widespread, adults reproductive
  • (Crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis, common on periphery in the bed AB9 area, seen last year)
  • Wild oat, Avena fatua (ID provisional), adults growing among the charlock

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Seed planting: Molokhiya, Cucumber, NZ Spinach, Malabar Spinach

    On 4Mar11, the following seed were planted:

    Molokhiya # 148 (24 plts)
    Cucumber, Tasty Jade (Johnny's Seed Co., item 2323) (24 plts)
    New Zealand Spinach #116 (12 plts)
    Malabar Spinach #156 (12 plts)

    As of 11Mar11, Cucumber and Molokhiya have germinated.

    Garden maintenance 4Mar11

    Finished thinning lettuce in C1, D1, and E1, and did some weeding and rock picking on them as well.  Beds C2 and D2 definitely need attention, especially C2 (weeds).  Removed the straw from the potatoes.  Many of the potatoes are now poking leaves out of the soil.  Tested the new collinear hoe (narrow model from Johnny's), and found that having this tool makes cultivating between the plants fast and easy provided the plants are large and well spaced.  Small plants are easily damaged and easily covered by worked soil.  I worked A6, AB7-9 pretty well.  As for B6 (beets), the spacing was too narrow and the plants too small to do an effective job.  I managed to kill a couple of plants and so I stopped.  Also weeded B2 with the hoe.

    Noticed a slug and more cabbage butterflies, but no signs of caterpillar damage on the coles.

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Collards in A2 bolting

    Flash Collards in bed A2 are now starting to bolt.  These were seeded in pots on 25July10 (day 206) and transplanted on 5Sept10 (day 248).  That was 222 days from seed to bolting.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Seed planting: Peppers, Eggplant, Bok Choi, Amaranth, Fennel

    On 25Feb11, seeds of the following plants were planted in the 806 inserts (8 six-pack format) using perlite/potting soil mix (# indicates seed accession number):

    Fennel #37 (ca. 12 plts)
    Bok choy #56 (48 plts)
    Eggplant, Hybrid Nubia #20 (12 plts)
    Eggplant, Black Beauty #19 (24 plts)
    Eggplant, Hybrid Shoya Long #155 (48 plts)
    Amaranth, Red Stripe Leaf #157 (36 plts)
    Amaranth, White Leaf #158 (24 plts)
    Pepper, Shishito #153 (36 plts)
    Pepper, Yolo Wonder #16 (60 plts)
    Pepper, Quadrato d’Asti Rosso #140 (48 plts)
    Pepper, Emerald Giant #141 (36 plts)

    That comes to:

    84 eggplant
    180 peppers
    60 amaranth

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Saturday 2-19-11 Garden Workday

    Bruce weeded the eastern half of Bed C1 and marked the location of lettuce plants on the bed with twigs. Germination by location-planted was probably around 50%. Beds D1, D2 and E1 All had higher germination rates than Beds C1 and C2. The eastern half of C1 and all of C2 need to be weeded. Bruce noted potato shoots breaking through the surface in Beds AB10 and CDE3.5 of the Norkota Russets , 3 of the Cal White and 8 of the Red La Sota.  AB9 Cauliflower plants are less vigorous (less than half the size of collard and broccoli varieties transplanted the same time).  Broccoli plants are are 6 to 8 inches high and collards are about 5 to 6 inches tall. Lacinate Kale in A6 and Red Russion Kale in B5 are are growing well. Beets in B6 are growing very well. Giant Southern mustard in bed B3 are growing very vigorously and are also being munched.  Bruce picked another cucumber beetle off one of the plants.

    All beds need some amount of weeding and all should be mulched.

    The mountains and hills to the South and East had a relatively heavy cover of snow down to about 1,000 ft.

    Garden volunteer work was cancelled Wednesday due to intermitant rainy conditions. Bruce harvested 8.1 pounds of assorted lettuces and miscellaneous salad greens including arugula, endive and delivered these and 8.2 pounds of radishes (with their greens) harvested the day before from Bed 4 of the "Auxilliary Garden of Grace".
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    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Carrots germinated bed A4

    On 16Feb11, Mark observed that the carrots in bed A4, had germinated.  Germination took 18 days.  Mark completed the thinning of lettuce in bed E1, and did some weeding in that bed.  The recent rains had exposed one of the potato tubers in bed CDE3, and that tuber had a lot of green growth on it.  That tuber was re-buried.  None of the potatoes have broken through yet.

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    15Feb11 harvest

    Bruce and Mark harvested all of the remaining radishes from bed 4 in the auxiliary GOG.  They were mostly Sparkler #113 and a few Plum Purple #111.  The latter were well formed and consistent, but the former were very inconsistent and many were cracked.  There was an edge effect.  Many of the Sparkler had extensive top growth and a tiny root.  Also there were split crowns and split roots too.  Sparkler should be avoided in the future.

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    13Feb11 observations

    Lettuce seedlings in C1, D1, E1, C2, and D2 are doing well, but a lot of thinning is still needed and so is weeding.  In the lettuce beds there are hundreds of henbit seedlings.  Coles: cutworms appear to have headed a few plants here and there.  The mustard is getting well consumed by cucumber beetles.  Still no carrot germination, and growth from potatoes yet.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Feb 9 Work Day

    Bruce, Emily, Judy and Peggy worked in the garden roughly two hours (10:00 AM to 12:00 noon).  germinating lettuce plants direct seeded, were thinned and weeded in beds C1&2, D1&2 and E1.  Large lettuce (green leaf), endive, arugula (4 lbs), and pak choi (2.2 lbs) were harvested (pulled and roots removed). Mature outer leaves were harvested from collards (8.4 lbs) and pick-and-return lettuces and mustard and endive (2.5 lbs). Produce was delivered to the Open Heart Kitchen operations at Holy Cross Lutheran at 12:45 PM.

    20 ft frame w/ deer netting was moved from East of the mulch pile and the lettuce beds were hand-watered.
    Mark had watered the other dry beds earlier in the morning.

    Friday afternoon work party can include turning compost pile and building new one with raked chick weed and mowed greens interbedded with dry leaves and partially composted horse manure. The first compost pile has diminished roughly 12 inches in height from the original 42 inches.