Saturday, July 9, 2011

Planting day 2011 July 9, Saturday

At an impromptu planting day, these people (listed more or less
alphabetically) worked: the Brunells (John, Mark, Maya, Miki),
Emily, Judy, and Lance.

Garlic and shallots were harvested from beds A3 and B5.  These were purchased from Lockhart Seed Co. and planted on 6Oct10 (JD 279), making 276 days from planting to harvest.  These were taken home by Mark for storage.  Counts, which include plants stored by Ruth and Bruce, are:

Soft-neck garlic (CA Late White): 193 heads
Hard-neck garlic (Spanish Roja): 84 heads
Dutch Yellow Shallots: 225 individual bulbs

Note that garlic has been harvested previously, and the above numbers do not include those plants.  The garlic and shallot beds became available for planting.

Potatoes (Red La Soda) were harvested from the western end
of bed AB10.  These were planted from seed purchased at Lockhart Seed Co. in Stockton.  They were planted 22Jan11 (JD 22), and harvested on 9Jul11 (JD 190), making 168 days of growth.  About 5/6 cubic foot, totaling 28 pounds, were harvested.  A few potato plants in the area, surrounded by
volunteer squash plants, were not harvested, to try to spare
the squash.

These tomatoes were planted:
5 "Royal Flush" (#213) tomatoes, in bed E2.
5 "San Marzano" (#211) Roma-type tomatoes, in bed C1.
2 "Odoriko" (#214) tomatoes, in bed C1.  Bed C1 is now full.
11 "Basrawya" tomatoes, in bed D1.  Bed D1 is now full.

These eggplants were planted:
6 "Black Beauty" (#19) eggplants, in bed E2.  Bed E2 is now full.

For the following bean plantings, narrow furrows were created (with a colinear hoe) between the T-tape lines, and all seeds were placed at a 2 inch longitudinal spacing.  Transverse spacing was determined by the number of T-tape lines on the particular bed.

These soybeans were planted, intended as a cover or green-manure crop:
4 rows of "Viking" (#237) soybeans, in bed B6.  The bed is shared with golden
Hubbard squash and a lavender herb, and is full.

Bush beans (P. vulgaris) were planted in beds AB9, A3, B4, B5.  Details:

In bed AB9, "Royal Burgundy" beans (#185) were planted to fill gaps in the east
end of the bed.  The beans are in 4 rows.  They are arranged in blocks.
The "Royal Burgundy" block is at the east end (with some squash mixed in).
Proceeding to the west, the other blocks contain "Gold Rush" wax beans (#239),
dwarf horticultural "Taylor's cranberry" beans (#241), and "Purple Queen" (#240).  This bed is now full.

In bed B5, 4 rows of beans were planted.  They were planted in 3 blocks,
from east to west the blocks contain "Taylor's cranberry" (#241), "Gold Rush" (#239),
and "Purple Queen" (#240).  This bed is now full.

In bed B4, "Royal Burgundy" (#185) beans were planted in a small area previously
occupied by two large cabbage plants.  This bed is now full, it contains
mostly 4 rows of "Royal Burgundy" beans and about 10 melon vines.

In bed A3, 5 rows were planted, in 4 blocks.  From east to west, the
blocks contain "Royal Burgundy" (we have used all seed of that kind),
"Taylor's Cranberry", "Gold Rush", and "Purple Queen".  The bed is full.

Some other work was done.

In various beds, tomatoes were tied to their trellises as needed.

Collards or kale that had been allowed to go to seed in bed A2 were
pulled; enough seed had been harvested.  This bed is idle except for
the east end, which contains onions.

Some weeds were pulled.  Many remain.

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